
Tuesday 14 May 2013


Conquer the angry man by love...uh.
love is everything. when you love you win. pls start loving because when you love you are Gods friend and every friend of God must experience increase unlimited
Seeing Life Differently
The secret of winning in life lies in seeing life differently - in its different shades and outcomes. "Life becomes a path that leads to achievements. Winners do not value life as much as what they can do with it. For them life is not a tedious journey from the womb to the tomb. It is a journey about crossing milestones and looking forward to new ones." Be Different and Make a Difference

Face your worst fear.
What is that conflict you are facing at your place of work, school, family or business or is there anything in your life you are afraid of. You have to face it now. there is always a solution to every problem. That crises is a step to greater lifting in your life.

Always see the TESTIIMONIES behind every crises and not just the crises.This is a fuel to help you overcome completely. If you see only the crises then you may die in that crises. Everybody have got one crises or the other but you have to identify the crises in your life and face it now.

Always stay focus at what you know how to do best. The Lord said He will bless the works of your hands
God bless you.
Roland Ojeruse
Executive Director(Admin)
Saving Hand Development Initiative

Monday 13 May 2013


This nation is a pit-sized and fabulously wealthy oil-rich nation. The nation’s leader is famously, one of the richest people in the world with an estimated personal wealth of around 40 billion dollars. Per capital GDP is far above most other developing countries, and substantial income from overseas in investment supplements income from domestic production.
The government provides for all medical services and subsidizes food and housing. All sector of economy are fairly heavily regulated and government policy is an odd mixture of subsidies, protectionism and encouragement of entrepreneurship. She is a nation considered with surplus to keep her citizenry for years. Her major source of income is oil and gas. This oil and gas brought a life changing experience to the entire nation
Discoveries bring deliverance and relevance. The crude oil resides in us. We live in a wealthy world with plenty and surplus but hidden for men to discover so that we can shape our world into the paradise we desire. We have sleeping ideas that need to find their ways to solving the problems of humanity giving hope to families and restoring salvation to the entire world. We look poor because we act poor, we are nothing because we do nothing, and we will only tick when we think.
She is not just an oil rich nation but a wealthy nation. You may be rich in ideas but poor like many nations of the world with little or no relevance despite the ocean of natural resources that it possesses. What we have in us is expensive and the world is waiting to pay. That same crude oil that brings death in many nations of the world is a tool for progressive change in this nation.
These ideas are there waiting to be used. It is really not about you but about us, what you can offer that poor mother on the street, that little boy in school and the entire people of the world as an agent of change. Why should we live our schools worse than we met them, old boys meetings take into drinking and not issues of national development but a period of show off of what you have gathered.
Lets wake those ideas up, don’t let them die, our nation should not sink into the mud, let the white not turn black, glory but not dry grasses, encouragement not discouragement, life not death, hope not hole, developed and not developing.
Your ideas are the solutions to unemployment; they are the pillars of an industrialized nation. Be our CRUDE OIL today.

Saturday 11 May 2013


My dealing with these set of people has given me a fresh picture of life and how to deal with it. A mother who does not spend quality time with a child will always want to please the child whenever she is around to cover up for her absence, you sent your child to a school where he does not receive the discipline that you should have given to him/her if he was to be with you and any time she is back home you want to express your love by giving her all she wants. I am writing to tell you that WHAT THEY WANT IS NOT ALWAYS WHAT THEY NEED. May be we have to reconsider our style and plan how to give them a secured future which they themselves will be grateful for.

Proverbs begins with the assumption that children are born in need of correction. They enter the world with a bent toward doing the wrong things. Fathers and mothers are expected to lovingly but firmly train children in the ways of wisdom, responsibility and righteousness. The direction children receive at home especially and in school set the course for their entire lives. Train a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not turn from it. This is not a direct ticket that godly parents won’t have wayward children, but it does underscore the general principle that good parenting can have a life-long impact.

Parents who fail in their duties to discipline their children bear a heavy responsibility. Failing in the place of discipline is a gradual injection that eventually leads to a painful end which in some cases might lead to death.

He who spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is careful to discipline him. Excess of it could become an abuse but children who never learn that their actions carry consequences will eventually come to even more grief.

“Omo” always have this belief that all he is doing is right because his parents have never questioned it. He is very disrespectful that teachers are finding it very difficult to correct him because the parents have refused to do their part as they should have done. Teachers having understood where his problem is coming from decided to treat these actions of “Omo” with love. He now sees life from the right perspective.

What if “Omo’s” teachers were not very patient, what if the teachers are less concern about his behavior, what if the teachers were just like the parents who does not have understanding on how to bring up a future leader. Thank God for his teachers for they made it happen.

Now what parents owe their children is not just a trip to Dubai or any place of his/her choice but love, attention, firmness and apology and stop playing the child to deceiving them like you care when you unconsciously don’t.

Act fast not by going to prayer houses but taking responsibility before we become their worst enemy which of cause I know that’s not what we all want. These are the leaders of tomorrow, our energy and strength, our precious pride for Knowledge is power.

Wednesday 8 May 2013


BlissWin Strategy is birthed as a result of the growing challenges in the Nigeria society, poor performance in local and international examinations and the need for a new Nigeria that will be corrupt free both in politics and the civil service. In various dimensions, unhealthy economic governance is generally believed to have contributed significantly to the poverty in Nigeria. Our youths have lost the appetite for real study work and that’s why the system is not productive. Nigerians’ want to eat without working and we have a society without challenges but driven by greed and wickedness even in the civil service. Knowledge is considered the key bridge to the future. About half of Nigeria’s population are children. Thus, education is a key instrument to empower the children to take charge of their lives in the future and this we intend to do by moving our children from their ideal world to the real world as a means to create a better society for generations to come. We all have a part to play in building the Nigeria we desire, our mind must conceive it and agree with it as to create it.

 This strategy is out to challenge the minds and motivate the imaginations of our youths for great thoughts and remarkable accomplishments both at personal and societal levels. It will help the Nigeria children and youths discover themselves and develop a purposeful career.

We want to help our children choose the right career, know its implication and what is expected of the child to be successful in his/her chosen career and to impact in them the value of true leadership.

It is our desire to help grow the Nigeria system and help create a future for generations to come. We hope to achieve the following:

¨ Ensure the improvement in the local and certificate exams, moral conduct and attitude to work by motivating the students through seminars, competitions, design and construction of science projects, encouraging research in our tertiary institution as it concerns the Nigeria economy.

¨ Source for sponsorship from relevant international and local agencies, private organizations, individuals and the government.

¨ Train facilitators among youth corps members across the federation.

¨ Organize training for teachers in primary and secondary schools.

¨ We hope to assist in creating a new Nigeria that is result driven with the reflection of the critical core values to establish a competitive educational and service system.

¨ Help with repositioning the Nigeria educational and service system for improved efficiency by organizing seminars and workshops

In SHADE-IN we have well trained partners and volunteers across the federation and other sister organizations who are prepared to drive this course with us

Please run with us.


Saving Hand Development Initiative (SHADE-IN) is a non-profit Christian organization. God Himself is our source of supply


Our meetings are first to reckon with. Our listeners are so precious to us and we intend to give them the very best. Aside the usual meetings organized by our organization. We also welcome invitations from institutions such as secondary schools, universities, All our services are free unless where necessary.


To be a leading  strategy  providing unique relationship with the young.


To enhance speedy transformation of the Nigeria system by creating exceptional values among young people through motivational seminars and human capital development programmes.