
Sunday 30 March 2014

Solution: beyond the problems……..

We learn every day; come across so many opportunities to be blessed and I think what makes the difference is in our taking advantage of these opportunities when they come our way. Being a blessing to a fellow man is one way to experiencing unending increase. Accessing help from God is in our labour to the needy. The word of God says “God will not forget your labour of love”.
Affecting a life positively is an opportunity to be blessed and we need to open up to God to be useful tools in His hand when He wants us. Concern for the wellbeing of fellow humans triggers greatness and creativity. The need of man can not only be taken care of by words, but physical substance is also needed, and our desire to change the lives of the people around us spurs us into a world of creativity.

What makes the difference in the lives of many we see around us is the ability to add value to a system: therefore, making it better and creating a world of happiness, advancing toward satisfaction of the human race. How well we go about it determines how far we will go.

We are living in a world where wrong statistics are given just to enrich a few, old men and women lie on public Media and showcase their loss of sense of morality not minding the future of the upcoming generation nevertheless, we all desire a better future for our kids and the society at large.

I have learnt this secret since my childhood days and have experienced various levels of God’s blessing as I engage in them daily, and I must confess that it pays to settle with Jesus and God’s Word, because since I did, my life has never remained the same.

The Word of God opens us up to a world of revelations where light drives out every darkness and things begin to work for us. The word of God has exposed me to the truth I need to affect my world and I am very confident that soonest it will begin to speak and the name of the Almighty will be glorified. My mind is the mind of Christ, purity speaks on its wall and the love of God rules inside of me; hence, my life can never be the same again.

The secret is very simple, it surfaces in every area of studies, people talk about it, pastors preach it and people visit various places in search for it; however, only a few find it. So many things appears like it, it is not temporal but comes with sureness and gladdens the heart of anybody that receives it. Many pray for it every day, organizations discuss it and many engaged in it. It has bettered the lives of many who have engaged in it and prospered them.
Do you have a problem or have you come across somebody with one. From poor diet to poor health to financial lack: not being able to pay your bills, need to make a purchase but your pocket is empty, struggling with buses to work or to the market, leaving the house as early as 4 a.m. and getting to work late, only to be harassed by your boss in the office, trying to study but not understanding and so many others. With all these problems, do we really think man should be idle? What I think is that you can’t have problems around you and be idle or what do you think?

To me I think I see every problem as a mountain and at the other side of the mountain lies so much of plenty to enjoy. Problems are signs of progress, We need to win battles after which comes the celebration, we should not see the mountains alone but the testimonies behind them. I have always said when we see the mountains alone, we may die there, but when we see the testimonies behind them we have courage, strength, hope and confidence to move ahead. Many cry because they see only the mountains and not the testimonies. We need to have a story, a story of advancement and we want to be alive to it.

There is always a way out of every problem. Finding solution to every problem in our lives keeps us busy and active. When we are idle we tie down our lives and that means digging a grave with our own hands; so, seeking solution is the answer.

 Let us find solution so we can have a life, let us ask questions, seek for answers and not rest until we find them. Things must work for us as a people; we are walking out of poverty because we believe we can. Great things lie ahead of us, victory is our sure reward and everything is working out for our good. The sun will soon shine and it is my turn to be celebrated. I have solutions to the world’s problems, and the keys to unlock every door to hidden treasures; my streets are laid with gold, mansions in my estates. You have the solution in your hands.

One of my teenage friends once told me that there is nothing more to be discovered, as people have done the entire discovery; however I differ on that. No good invention is hundred percent efficient; implying that there is still work to be done. So, one problem people have is not being able to identify the problems around them. For instance if Apple Inc. thinks nothing can be done to iPhone 4 they will not produce iPhone 5; can u see that? That is the game of life always finding a problem and providing the relevant solution. 

God is our source and provider and when we stay connected to him through Jesus, His word and the Holy Spirit, we will never run dry of ideas. “Ideas translate into solutions to problems when implemented. Being a solution is being a blessing.” (BITs-2014) “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths”. Serving God pays.


Roland & Bliss Ojeruse (March, 2014)

Executive Directors